Today a great conference is being held. And well-known scholars are delivering their researches on various topics. Most of them discuss contemporary issues related to islamic finance.
But whenever you attend in an islamic economic conference , the first thing you notice that : people from all over the world are contributing to this field as much as they can .... But unfortunately not our country .. Why .. Why...
I am sure we would be accountable for this ...all of us .... May Allah ease our task
As one of the biggest countries in the world we have lot of opportunities to develop ISLAMIC ECONOMICS and FINANCE in our country ... But the biggest hurdle is our attitude ... for some it is not a matter of concern at all ... and for some others it's g their last preference...
It's time to wake up .... we need people to sacrifice their knowledge , wealth and time in this regard ... Alhamdulillah in last few years we have found very few of them. And hope things will get better in future ... Well! journey of a thousand mile also starts with one or two steps .... May Allah help us .... May Allah make InTheShade a new milestone in this journey..